… and the dumb criminal of the year award goes to…
Stanley Engram and Lonnie Halkmon of the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO! In early 2012, these two rocket scientists ditched over 75% of the personnel files charged to their care. It ended up affecting hundreds of servicepersons.
Either these two really didn’t feel like working and just tossed the files instead, or they were simply so incompetent that they legitimately lost them all. So we have either two worthless snakes or two stupid dogs.
And, in a due deferential nod to the inefficiency of the DOD, the total number of files missing because of these two guys may never be known due to the high volume the Center handles. We do know that Halkmon had worked there since at least 2005, so God knows.
So what’s the bottom line here? Well, people’s files are now all screwed up. You’ve dealt with trying to navigate the VA, DOD, TRICARE, and all the rest of it – now try doing it when half your file is missing. Get ready for the big slowdown.
What if you have a need for cash? A need for something – anything – that would require money accessible through your government benefits? Healthcare? Housing? You’re going to have to wait for it. It’s going to be a lot harder for people to secure their federal benefits.
But luckily, in the meantime, there are military loans that can cover the slack. Active duty military – ANY active duty military – have financing options available regardless of rank, pay grade, or credit history. There is no minimum credit requirement to determine eligibility, so therefore anyone is eligible.
Repayments are easy. There is no interest for the first 90 days, and the interest that applies thereafter is kept at a very low rate. And these loans are easy to do – you just fill out the online form, click the mouse, and sit back. Approval is instant – and you can borrow up to $10,000 in some cases.
It really is the least that we in the private sector can do – if Uncle Sam isn’t going to pay you what you’re worth for all that you do, then rest assured that Exchange USA for sure will. We will keep you stocked with all the latest and greatest in home entertainment, furniture, car accessories, and other lifestyle products so that you live like you deserve to.
Exchange USA is always rolling out new deals and new products, so be sure to check their website frequently!