Discount Travel Service Temporarily but Indefinitely Discontinued

Since there has been so much promotion of the travel service here recently, I would be remiss not to be upfront and forthright in making this clear and official at this time:

Military Loans Connection has temporarily but indefinitely suspended all military travel assistance services as offered on the website Therefore, if you go back and read any older posts on this blog, please disregard any information about direct discounts and benefits from either Military Loans Connection or Exchange USA. However, the company will be happy to refer you to an alterImage of a plane crashnate source when contacted.



Unfortunately, and forgive me for sounding like the power company here, but we cannot predict exactly when these services will be restored. What we CAN do is assure our loyal customers (and all our fighting men and women, for that matter) that we are currently working towards a solution, and we will notify everyone via this blog when the services are reinstated.

Although some would consider this a setback, Military Loans Connection does not – in fact, we’re starting the New Year stronger than ever. We still offer great military loans and financing options of an amazing line of lifestyle products, including furniture, electronics, men’s and women’s jewelry, home entertainment, personal computing, outdoor equipment, exercise equipment, car accessories, and much, much more!

This is the best financing available for active servicepersons. Active duty military – ANY active duty military – have financing options available regardless of rank, pay grade, or credit history. There is no minimum credit requirement to determine eligibility, so therefore anyone is eligible.

Repayments are easy. There is no interest for the first 90 days, and the interest that applies thereafter is kept at a very low rate. And these loans are easy to do – you just fill out the online form, click the mouse, and sit back. Approval is instant – and you can borrow up to $10,000 in some cases.

It really is the least that we in the private sector can do –Uncle Sam doesn’t always pay you what you’re worth for all that you do, but rest assured that we for sure will. We will keep you stocked with all the latest and greatest in home entertainment, furniture, car accessories, and other lifestyle products so that you live like you deserve to.

Military Loans Connection is always rolling out new deals and new products, so be sure to check their website frequently!

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