A Fast Military Loan Can Show Active Duty Personnel a Good Time in San Diego

The military has to deal with moving. A lot. Luckily, most of the time, anyway, the places they move to are not too shabby. Many towns embrace their military population, and they often have specials deals at restaurants, bars, and local attractions specifically for you. This helps, because after you’ve just moved, you’re usually broke.

What can also help is a fast military loan. These loans are tailor made for the military population. They ask no interest for the first 90 days, and you’re eligible regardless of credit history. This means that you can borrow a few bucks to get you started out in your new hometown (learn the local hotspots, etc.) and then pay the money back when you get caught up on your bills. Because we all know what moving can do to those bills.

San Diego is a huge destination for the military, with one of the largest active duty populations on the west coast. San Diego is home to many large-scale bases, such as

Point Loma, with 22,000

Naval Base San Diego, with 26,000

Naval Base Coronado, with 36,000

NAS North Island, with 8,500

MCAS Miramar, with 19,000

Camp Pendleton, about an hour to the north, with 100,000


Now that’s a lot of soldiers. Luckily, San Diego – and contrary to popular opinion, most of Southern California – are very welcoming to active personnel. And that’s a good thing, because there’s a ton to do in San Diego. There are teams in both the NFL and the MLB, those being the Chargers and the Padres repetitively. The Chargers have a long history of military outreach, and often offer discounted tickets and special military community events with the team players.


Being a major city, there is also a great market for live music, covering latin, hiphop, and rock. Among the most popular destinations are the House of Blues and Croce’s. If you’re a fan of Indie Rock, head to the Casbah in the Little Italy section of the city.


The Gaslamp Quarter section of downtown San Diego is also hugely popular, with dozens of restaurants, shops, and bars. Throughout the year, they have street festivals and music events, even hosting their own version of Mardi Gras.

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